Monday, 8 October 2012

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 1 - Primary Research 1

Primary Research on a sample pack that I received from Piccolo Press in Scotland

Please note that in certain images I have lowered the brightness and contrast to show the light shining on specific area of the printing. 

The cover features a simple blind emboss

From the reverse it is possible to see the imprint from the die used to create the blind emboss

Foil blocking using a gold foil on a heavy stock.

Certain samples have been stamped to allow customers to understand what process is used, this effects the cost of a final print run so it is important to be clear from the beginning what techniques are correct for the design direction. 

Engraving has left an imprint which is similar to embossing, this does not de-stabalise the fibre structure in the stock as much as a bling emboss on this weight of paper. 

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