Wednesday, 12 October 2011

OUGD401 // Lecture 2 // Post Modernism

Lecture2 - Post Modernism, R.Miles

  • Where modernism is the experimental and privileges the new, it puts value to new and pushing the boundaries, post modern is the opposite.
  • Post modernism (Po-Mo) asks questions - What is the point? and questions every last thing about modernism.
  • It argues that we can't push forward, it has all been done before and that modernism is not actually new.
  • The post modern condition is characterised by exhaustion, nothing should be done individual, there is a great deal of pessimism within the Po-Mo movement and way of thinking.
  • There is however some overlap due to the fact that modernism is an expression of the new and Po-Mo is a reaction to these conditions, they both feed off the social bases of/for modernism but it reacts clearly in a different way.
  • 60's sees art and design start to emerge that actually and physically questions art

  • Jean Tinguely creates a piece to be displayed outside the museum of modern art in New York, this pieces is arguably Po-Mo however as the artwork is made of old rubbish, recycled materials and once started up the artwork blows up and therefore self destrcuts. The idea of technology being flawed is raised and questions such as this raise the point that the post modernist era is beginning.
  • Origins of post modern culture are as far back 1917 but towards the 80s all art directs towards this style and questions the modernist movement.
  • the term is used in very different ways, it describes styles, explains eras and all are flawed but valid and used.
  • Jenks claims that modernism dies at a specific time which is a demolition of housing projects commences.
  • Housing to save the world was a modern project which to post modernist fails as the housing projects simply displace and house the poor, areas become rife with drug use and crime, this demolition signifies the failure of modernism.
  • the new aim is a world wide utopia, the rule now is that form does not follow function but why should there be rules? the new rule of post modernism is that there are no rules in a Po-Mo society.
  • 1957 sees the international style of building emerging, aim of harmonising the styles world wide, as years progress however cost of materials changes the structure and look of the tower blocks within the cities.
  • an example is Park Hill Sheffield, mass social housing shows that the modernist ways are flawed, similar instances of crime and drug use and general poverty is ot present on paper but in reality instead. Post modern architects use the Po-Mo ways of simply painting over the area, and re use the housing blocks instead of starting over.
  • Museums follow the rule that form comes before function and allows interaction and allows for fun.
  • Cambridge University building is built in a post modern world but in a neo-classical style it is a reaction and therefore post modern
Post Modern Architecture

Details From Website:
Site: Wilhelminakade, Rotterdam 
Client: Parasite Foundation 
Structural engineer: 
Contractor: Jasper Kerkhofs, Christian Dörschug 
Design: 2000/ 2001 
Realisation: 2001 
Photography: Ann Bousema, Christian Kahl, Rien Korteknie, Daniel Nicolas, Errol Sawyer 

Info on Building:

"A bright green object sitting on top of the elevator shaft of the former warehouse building Las Palmas acted in 2001 as a widely visible, three dimensional logo for its host building whose large, industrial spaces were temporarily used for various exhibitions during Rotterdam's year as European cultural capital in 2001."

"The Las Palmas Parasite was a prototypical house aiming at combining the advantages of prefabricated technology and the unique qualities of tailor-made design."

  • J F Lyotard summarises Post modernity as a crises in confidence - it is a metanaritive and Po-Mo asks What will we do?How will we cope? etc

J F Lyotard

  • Post modernity aesthetics are chaos, it is ironic and fun, silly almost,
  • Roy Liechtenstein takes a print from a comic book which in the modern era would have been disregarded and seen as pointless, he instead creates an artwork out of it making it a reaction and statement agains the modern way of thinking.
  • A new divide forms between high culture and low culture, everything begins to crumble.
  • Paris is modern - Las Vegas is post modern as it is built to contradict Paris, there is freedom and styles are allowed to clash.
  • The post modern cities are a "dystopia", it is uncaged.
  • Tech in the film BladeRunner is post modern, it is not a liberated city the film uses reprise of old films and shoes, it mocks the modernist in every way
  • Warhol produced post modern world by reacting the stardom life highlighting the flaws of printing technology by leaving in the mistakes
  • Liechtenstein mocks also Jackson Pollocks work by screen-printing the style making it distracted from interaction.
  • Po-mo artists mix high/low culture and make things more accessible.

Post modernist Graphic Design

Oscar Pastarus

About the artist: "

Independent graphic designer and illustrator based in Stockholm, Sweden"
"...previously worked in Rome for design studio Angelini, I'm currently doing graphic design for denim brand Denim Is Dead."

Onlab Studio

About the Studio:

"The Swiss graphic design agency Onlab – founded in 2001 and based in Berlin, Germany – works on commissioned, collaborative as well as self initiated design projects. The focus of the commissioned work lies in editorial design and visual communication projects."

"...Onlab's core strategic goal is to link content and production aesthetics with elements of topicality. Onlab explores ways to stage complex content and convey relevant topics while changing and playing with common perceptions"

I think that last sentence is important to summing up how post modernism within graphic design works. It is playing with all ideas, big or small, that can develop into fruition and blow minds, communicate more effectively and/or stand out. Onlab carry on to say, "The essence of a task and of a project is always perceived as the guide to solving and unfolding an emotional and accessible dimension to it." Emotion is present in graphic design for publication as the layouts must suit the content and this is more evident in the post modern graphic design as it is commonly linked strongly to emotion. When designing for publication It is often difficult for me to put any emotion other than fear for a deadline into to the work due to various factors but by reading about the solving and finding a new dimensions to the work I feel it would be easier to approach a piece of work as a piece of personal art. 
"The team is headed by Nicolas Bourquin, founder and creative director of onlab. He lives and works as a creative director and publisher in Berlin. He was born in Switzerland in 1975 where he studied graphic design at the School of Design in Biel. Nicolas was co-editor and designer of "Los, Dos and Tres Logos" and "Data Flow 1 + 2" (Gestalten). In 2003 he co-founded the independent publishing house 'etc publications'."

Interesting names and links to follow in the last paragraph, It seems evident that with 
experience comes great skill.

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