Monday 22 April 2013

OUGD501 - Theory into Practice - Format

Visuals, format and layouts.

The publication must have a unique format, which is more about an exploration of the many messages that go through the mind when picking up a product on the shelf. This way of hand crafting will not only add complexity to the message but symbolise what the mind must decide on when picking up the product. This collection of images has helped to inform my practice by giving a visual identity to my theory and ideas.

Issu including analysis

Further Imagery

This piece of packaging is influenced directly by the brand image and advertising aesthetics of the Levis tab logo. The overall format of the piece of packaging is simplistic yet is easily recognisable as Levis, most importantly there is a blank canvas for a lifestyle image to be created in the mind of the subject. The advertising has already reinforced the lifestyle, the packaging acts as the delivery of the lifestyle. 

We see the target audience is a subject that would want to be a part of lifestyle which is led by young attractive and athletic males and females under 30. Packaging does not need to be aesthetically complicated, rather it needs to deliver the product which has already been sold in advertising campaigns

"The pill style trays for the album 'Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space' were packed under strict pharmaceutical manufacturing conditions. Each blister contained a 3 inch CD featuring one of twelve tracks which had to be popped through foil in order to be played. 

All credits were printed onto a medicine information sheet and contained warnings on the possible side effects of listening to the band. 

The album was later reissued, and a new limited edition black version produced."

Advertising can be visualised in physical form through the product packaging, it is easy for me to print onto or etch acrylic much like this one using the college facilities.

Barthes message systems could be carried across a set of branded items which are enforcing a lifestyle. 

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