Thursday, 10 January 2013

OUGD501 - Lecture 10 - Comms' Theory

A mix of handwritten and typed notes from the lecture by S. Jones

"Four Candles sketch" by the Two Ronnies shows that  a meaning isn't guaranteed with every word saidEasily misunderstood or misinterpreted

Defining Semitics- Ferdinand Saussure:
He separated the act of speech from language
Semiotics is a meta-language - a language about a language

Syntagm is a series or collection of signifiers with a 'text' = a sentence
Paradigm= signifiers that relate through function or relative meaning

Metaphor is where one signifier is replaces with another similar concept
Metonym is where a signifier stands in for a the entire concept


Jacques Derrida established this term both from Saussure and disagreement. 
Differ - to differ and to defer
Difference - both differing and deferring simultaneously ( Accessed 11/01/13)

Saussure defined semiology as a study of 'sign systems', he also introduced the idea of image based signs.
Signifier // signified // referent, 
Signifier - Image, word, colour
Signified - The mentally conceived concept of the word, it is what you see in your head and is an element of thinking
Referent - the actual thing/item

Saussurre separated the word sign from meaning, that meaning is not inherent within the sign.
He separated the act of speech from the system of language

Red wine from France is associated with intelligence and class however there are no logical reasons for linking the two ideas, "...buying a Red wine from Aldi for £3.99 does not signify class" (S. Jones, 2013) Advertising has enforced ideas over a period of time.

Milk is associated with natural strength but again, there is no logical relation to that. 


The act of effective persuasion using language are used by all of the following, usually to gain something such as popularity or money. Politicians // Journalists // Advertisers // PR campaigns from PR companies


Barthes analysed a range of visual media based of structure. See further on: 
'The Photographic Message' // 'The Rhetoric Of The Image' // 'The Third Meaning

Structuralism is the term used for the broad application of semiotics/ semiology to a range of sign system

Further Research

The idea behind Damien Hirst having taken the art idea from a Jennifer Lopez film amuses me here. 

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