Thursday, 22 September 2011

Level 04 peer group feedback

We asked the following questions to a fellow group within the Level 04 Design class, as a result of the feedback we have been able to tweak various areas of the design but most importantly be reassured that we are working towards a high standard of finish and concept.


1. Do the posters stand out?

Some do, some don't. In particular the yellow colour used with the repeating pattern work well together giving the best impact. The animal themes are clever in the way that they do not give so much away, it is felt that with the clothing style posters it is far to obvious that wearing stripes is the theme. Layout, bold style and colours are all received well.

2. Do you understand what we are trying to achieve without it being too obvious to outsiders?

Yes, if we were not being directly told, or were from outside the course area and saw the posters and app then we wouldn't find it so obvious, however once explained the concept delivery is excellent.

3. How successful is the App?

We love the idea of having a blog style update where it is possible to link directly with an item of clothing, however you must include male clothing! The area you need to work on is the design of the App logo, which we cannot see yet!

4. Does it work in reminding you about stripey Fridays when you see the posters on the walls?

The lack of text on the posters could be addressed however, it works well in the sense we know what its for, they stand out and remind us by providing an aesthetically pleasing poster to gaze at when day dreaming.

5. Is there any additions you would like to see with the app or is there any particular style poster you prefer in terms of layout, style, colour or size?

An alarm on the App would be beneficial and the colour used over black and white posters proves much more effective. Size and style of layout is technically sound.

Conclusions and evaluation of feedback.

In conclusion to the feedback received there are certain answers we expected such as the lack of text issue on the poster, when reviewing this issue we decided that text would give far to much away and would distract from the imagery.
The app logo is something that needs to be done rapidly however with it being such a small job that takes design style from the posters to keep in line with the theme, it should not take long to do.

We are pleased to get critical analysis of the styles, this is an area that needed to be cleared up. We now know that the best theme is the animals over the clothing or text. Finalising these design can now continue and working towards prints and a PowerPoint presentation can be done.

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